Stand Alone VST/ RTAS/ DX Analyzing

20 03 2009

Over the past few weeks I did receive quite an amount of emails concerning the way I do stand-alone analyzing with plugins. I thought it was time to address this in one of my blogs and here it is. I usually use a combination of Mac/ PC, meaning Pro Tools HD running on the Mac and the stand alone VST shell on the PC running Linux. In the example used: Windows. The main reason is to keep this simple for now.

I’m using a program called “Console” made by a company called “ART Teknika” and it’s retail price is approximately $54 bucks. If I do stand alone analyzing on a MAC system I use a program called “Ardour” via the use of “JACKaudio” to inter connect all the I/O’s which allows me more accurate things, but I think “Console” will work for most of you on a ‘need to know basis’ for the time being.

Here’s a screen shot of “Ardour

Coming back to “Console”. “Console” is very easy to understand and work with you simply set-up your audio card and select the VST/ RTAS/ or DX directory or directories where the plugins are located and “Console” loads them into it’s shell ready to be used. The next step is to set up your routing and signal flow. Drag down your sound card’s I/O and drag down the desired plugin in between and hold shift and click from left to right until all the modules are selected, once selected right click and select “Audio Link”. You can’t get it more easier than this! To avoid a feedback loop make sure you click the switch on the audio output. Make sure you make up for latency as well.

To find out more about “Console” please visit their website here.

For any questions please email me at royalcollegeofsurgeons @ gmail . com

Signing off,

Yours Truly!